Monday, September 2, 2013

Every Step Matters (Day 9)

Day 9 was a step in the right direction. More was accomplished than not. Sunday I rested. I spent the day with friends, one of which was on leave from her military duties. I felt that it was more important to spend some time with her while she was here than to use another day on myself. Today was labor day. I went to the gym for a short chest workout. The rest of the day was spent at a cookout by the pool. I don't think today was a very good today, but it wasn't very bad either.

What's the takeaway? Life isn't one long journey. Life is a series of events and experiences. Every step in the right direction, no matter how small, is still a step in the right direction. Everything you do affects your future. Make sure what you're doing is going to take you down a path that you desire.

That's all for today. Here's my pathetic excuse for a workout.

Warm up & stretching
4x5 DB bench @ 95 lb DBs
3x8 Chest fly machine @ 145 lbs
3x10 Weighted dips @ 70 lbs

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