Saturday, September 7, 2013

Getting back in the Groove (Day 12)

Day 12 start off horribly. I awoke for school, after only 3 hours of sleep, dreading the day to come. Even though I didn't do a real workout today, it turned out to be a pretty good day. I had a lot of fun with life. The only thing that bothered me today was my shoulder. It hurts to bench press, and it's really taking away from my workouts. I'm going to start doing some rehabilitation exercises for my shoulder. Hopefully it will get better soon. I also have to be careful to not over work myself. I'm still sick and I don't want to push it while my body isn't at 100%. I'll do what I have to today to make tomorrow a little bit easier.

What's the takeaway? When life has you down, don't forget to have some fun. You've got to enjoy what you do, or you won't do it to your best ability. Also, you have to slow go through the motions until you can build up to full speed. You can't create a tall building on a weak foundation. Make sure you have mastered the essentials and basics before moving on.

That's all for today.

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