Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to Break Records

There's not many feelings that compare to breaking a personal record. Lately, that's all I've been doing. I've been pushing my physical limits every time I step in the gym. Every record I've attempted to break has fallen with very few attempts. My deadlift, bench press, and clean & jerk personal records were all broken by at least 10 lbs. And it wasn't due to my diet, programming, sleep, supplements, or anything else people may ask about. It was because of my mindset and work ethic in the gym.

What's the take away?
The hard work and dedication pays off. Anyone who says otherwise isn't working hard, and/or consistently enough. There is no secret that will magically make you lose fat, build strength, or gain size. The only thing that matters is the amount of effort you put in to every rep and the attitude you have while performing. You HAVE to give absolutely everything you've got on every rep. And you've got to tell yourself that you will complete the task at hand. You've got to be confident in your abilities without a shadow of a doubt. Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

Here are what my workouts have looked like lately.

Warm up
1x5 Bench press @ 205 lbs
1x3 Bench press @ 225 lbs
3x1 Bench press @ 235, or 245 lbs
3x5 Weighted dips @ 90 lbs

Warm up
2x1 Power clean progression @ 185 lbs
2x2 Squat cleans @ 185
3x2 Split jerk @ 185 lbs
3-5 Heavy single squat clean & jerks.

Here's my current PRs
Sumo deadlift - 365 lbs
Clean & jerk - 225 lbs
Bench press - 255 lbs

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