Saturday, August 31, 2013

Partying vs Progress (Day 8)

Day 8 was a complete joke as far as physical progress goes. I didn't do anything to better myself today. Horrible diet coupled with partying, you can bet I'm disappointed about today. Most people would think today was an amazing day and it's only getting better, but that's not my perspective. Today was very counterproductive. Although, it is a holiday weekend. What did you expect? I'll make up for it another day. I owe myself that much.Party on Friday and Saturday, and rest on Sunday, because on Monday it's back to the grind.

What's the takeaway?  Don't give half of today up to last night. Although you may want to enjoy your social life as much as possible, don't let it affect your progress. Prioritize your dreams and aspirations.

That's all for today.

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