Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fulfilling Your Potential

The last two days I have been at peak performance, academically and athletically. There's not much to say except that life can be amazing if you are willing to put in 100% effort into everything you do. I love the feeling I get from knowing I put anything and everything I had into something. It's also a great feeling to see those around you at their best. The harder you work, the luckier you get. If you constantly push your limits, things will go your way. Everyone has the potential to be great. Most people just don't want to put in the work. Wasted potential is one of the things I HATE the most. There is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be doing everything in your power to become the greatest you can be. Why wouldn't you want to better yourself? When you slack off you are hurting yourself and everyone around you. It makes me sick to my stomach when I see people looking for the easy way out. There are no shortcuts. Shut up and work your ass off. Too many people in this world complain about their circumstances and make excuses about anything that doesn't go their way. There's always a way to accomplish the task at hand.

What's the takeaway? Fulfill your potential. There's never been anyone who did absolutely everything they could and still didn't get what they wanted. If you didn't get what you want, you didn't work hard enough. It's as simple as that. And don't be fooled by "what is impossible" and "limitations." There's always room for improvement. Chase your dreams.

Here's my workout for today

Warm Up / Stretching
1x5 Bench Press @ 205 lbs
1x3 Bench Press @ 225
3x1 Bench Press @ 235
2x10 Weighted Dips @ 90 lbs (
4x5 Military Press @ 155 lbs (smith machine)
3x10 Shrugs @ 275 lbs
1x10 Shrugs @ 315 lbs
3x20 Bodyweight Dips

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