Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to be Successful (Day 2)

Day 2 started out feeling like a setback. I awoke very late in the afternoon, hungover. I didn't get out of bed until 4 pm. I went out with family for dinner expecting to just do what I had to then go home and get back in bed. After I got fully awake and moving, I decide that I better drag myself to the gym. A wise man once said, "Successful people do what they have to, whether they want to or not." So that's exactly what I did. Tonight was a fairly heavy chest workout for me. My shoulder has been giving me problems so I've had to alter my workout a bit, but I got a very satisfying workout in nonetheless. My numbers are on track to win the state title. I'm still under my daily caloric intake by quite a bit though. I'm going to have to force feed myself some to catch up.Today is the type of day many people can learn from.

What's the takeaway? Success about doing what you have to, rather than what you want to. It is about never giving up until the final whistle blows. You can salvage any day. You can transform a wasted day into a very productive day just by changing my mental approach. Consistency is also very important. You'll never be as healthy as you want to be if you follow your diet 4 out of 7 days of the week. You've got to put in 100% every day. Anything less than 100% is wasted potential and you deserve better.

That's all for today. Here was my workout and weights if you're interested.

Warm-up: stretching and light dumbbell bench
5x5 DB bench @ 90 lbs dumbbells
3x10 Pec fly machine @ 145 lbs
3x10 Weighted dips @ 70 lbs
3 sets of a 3 part superset for 10 reps each of: Close grip tricep pushdowns,                             regular grip TPD, reverse grip TPD
3x10 Smith Machine shugs @ 275 lbs

I weighh 148.8 lbs and I'm 5'9"

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