Monday, August 26, 2013

Building Momentum (Day 3)

Day 3 was a good example of overcoming obstacles and doing what you have to. The day started out kind of rough. With only 2 hours of sleep, I was debating even going to school. So I made a proposition with myself. I told myself, "just take a shower, then see how you feel." And after I showered, I felt awake enough to school. When I got to school, I was still very tired, but I told myself, "just make it through your classes, then see how you feel." The day was good enough that I decided to hit the gym after school. I had a great time at the gym. Leg day always puts me in a good mood. Then I got invited to play some basketball and box with friends. The day had been long, but I could push myself through a couple more hours. I had a pretty good time while getting in some cardio. It was actually fairly productive day. And to think that I wasn't even going to get out of bed this morning.

What's the takeaway? Sometimes you have to start off slow and build momentum to get through tough times. Anything can be accomplished with a positive attitude and enough will power.

That's all for today. Here's my workouts if you're interested. 

9 am weightlifting class:
Clean & jerk progression with 135, 155, 185 lbs
Clean & jerk max (I maxed out 205 lbs)

2:30 pm workout
Stretching and warm up squats
5x5 Back squats @ 185 lbs
3x10 Leg press @ 315, 315, 405 lbs
3x10 Pistols (one leg squats)
3x10 Reverse hype extensions with 45 lbs plate super set 
              with 3x10 leg curls @ 25 lbs
4x15 Calf raises @ body weight + 55 lbs 
3x10 circuit of calf raises, leg curls, leg extensions 

5 pm cardio
basketball and boxing on and off for 2 and a half hours.  

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