Thursday, August 29, 2013

Plan B (Day 6)

Day 6 was back day! It's been a little while since I've worked out back. It started out as a leg day, but my training partners decided on Plan B. Usually I'm really excited about training legs, but I really wasn't feeling it today. The last thing I wanted to do was waste my time in the gym half-assing a work out.

What's the takeaway? If you aren't going to put forth every single ounce of effort you have into it, then why are you doing it at all. Don't waste your time doing things you aren't excited about. Time is very precious and it shouldn't be wasted under any circumstances. Have enough self respect to not waste away your life doing things you don't want to. Also, life doesn't always go as planned. You need to be able to make decisions and adjustments on the fly. When in doubt, go with your gut feeling.

That's all for today. Here's my workout for today.

3x10 wide grip lat pulldowns @ 130 lbs
3x10 medium grip lat pulldowns @ 130 lbs
3x10 underhand close grip pulldowns @ 130 lbs
3x10 seated rows @ 140 lbs
3x10 smith machine shrugs @ 275 lbs
3x10 straight bar curls @ 50 lbs
         super set w/ 3x10 resistance tubing curls
3x10 ez curl bar preacher curls
3x10 cable curls @ 80 lbs

Let me know what you think.

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