Saturday, August 31, 2013

Partying vs Progress (Day 8)

Day 8 was a complete joke as far as physical progress goes. I didn't do anything to better myself today. Horrible diet coupled with partying, you can bet I'm disappointed about today. Most people would think today was an amazing day and it's only getting better, but that's not my perspective. Today was very counterproductive. Although, it is a holiday weekend. What did you expect? I'll make up for it another day. I owe myself that much.Party on Friday and Saturday, and rest on Sunday, because on Monday it's back to the grind.

What's the takeaway?  Don't give half of today up to last night. Although you may want to enjoy your social life as much as possible, don't let it affect your progress. Prioritize your dreams and aspirations.

That's all for today.

Rest Days & Active Recovery (Day 7)

Day 7 was put off as a rest day. In reality, I was just being lazy. I decided to put some work into my social life instead of going to the gym after school. I did play basketball for 30 minutes, so at least I didn't do nothing at all. It turned out to be a pretty good day, although I am mildly disappointed about not making time for the gym when I know I could have. I might put in two workouts for Day 8 to make up for it.

What's the takeaway? You can't change the past, but you can make it right in the future. Also, make sure you're getting some type of physical activity in every day. Light cardio is great for recovering faster, and you can do it every day of the week.

That's all for today.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Plan B (Day 6)

Day 6 was back day! It's been a little while since I've worked out back. It started out as a leg day, but my training partners decided on Plan B. Usually I'm really excited about training legs, but I really wasn't feeling it today. The last thing I wanted to do was waste my time in the gym half-assing a work out.

What's the takeaway? If you aren't going to put forth every single ounce of effort you have into it, then why are you doing it at all. Don't waste your time doing things you aren't excited about. Time is very precious and it shouldn't be wasted under any circumstances. Have enough self respect to not waste away your life doing things you don't want to. Also, life doesn't always go as planned. You need to be able to make decisions and adjustments on the fly. When in doubt, go with your gut feeling.

That's all for today. Here's my workout for today.

3x10 wide grip lat pulldowns @ 130 lbs
3x10 medium grip lat pulldowns @ 130 lbs
3x10 underhand close grip pulldowns @ 130 lbs
3x10 seated rows @ 140 lbs
3x10 smith machine shrugs @ 275 lbs
3x10 straight bar curls @ 50 lbs
         super set w/ 3x10 resistance tubing curls
3x10 ez curl bar preacher curls
3x10 cable curls @ 80 lbs

Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Days We Wish For (Day 5)

Day 5 was another heavy chest day. It came pretty easily though. Days like this are a lot of fun. The entire day just flowed pretty well and I had some fun in the gym. These days give are what people like me hope for. I don't need overly amazing days in any way. I just want alright days where I'm mildly happy the entire time without having to really work for it. Life seems so easy and I feel content with my performance for the day. Not much to say about today.

What's the takeaway? Just know that some days will come easy, and others will be harder. Roll the dice and deal with whatever you get.

That's all for today. Here's my workout for the day.

Warm up
5x5 db bench press @ 95 lbs dbs
3x10 chest flies @ 145 lbs
2x10 weighted dips @ 70 lbs
1x20 weight dips @ 45 lbs
1x30 dips
3x30 triceps pushdowns x10 close grip @ 130 lbs, x10 regular grip @ 130 lbs,                          x10 reverse grip @ 110 lbs

Maintenance Required (Day 4)

Day 4 was my first rest day. Here's a quote that completely sums up my day.

         "The time to relax is when you don't have time for it."
                                                                                             -Sidney J. Harris

I have been on a nonstop grind for 3 straight days. Two or three hours of sleep a night isn't enough when you are engaged and active for the other 21 hours of the day. If you're the same exact person as you were yesterday, that means you aren't making any progress. And sometimes, to progress, you have to give your mind and body time to recover. Machines require maintenance. If you run a machine 24/7 without taking time to maintenance it, you will lower it's efficiency, and eventually break it. Without rest days, you run a high risk of over training or injury. You have to find how much time your mind and body needs for rest and recovery.

What's the takeaway? Everyone is different. Even though you may be extremely dedicated and passionate, you still have to take a day off every so often. It will make you better at your craft.

That's all for today.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Building Momentum (Day 3)

Day 3 was a good example of overcoming obstacles and doing what you have to. The day started out kind of rough. With only 2 hours of sleep, I was debating even going to school. So I made a proposition with myself. I told myself, "just take a shower, then see how you feel." And after I showered, I felt awake enough to school. When I got to school, I was still very tired, but I told myself, "just make it through your classes, then see how you feel." The day was good enough that I decided to hit the gym after school. I had a great time at the gym. Leg day always puts me in a good mood. Then I got invited to play some basketball and box with friends. The day had been long, but I could push myself through a couple more hours. I had a pretty good time while getting in some cardio. It was actually fairly productive day. And to think that I wasn't even going to get out of bed this morning.

What's the takeaway? Sometimes you have to start off slow and build momentum to get through tough times. Anything can be accomplished with a positive attitude and enough will power.

That's all for today. Here's my workouts if you're interested. 

9 am weightlifting class:
Clean & jerk progression with 135, 155, 185 lbs
Clean & jerk max (I maxed out 205 lbs)

2:30 pm workout
Stretching and warm up squats
5x5 Back squats @ 185 lbs
3x10 Leg press @ 315, 315, 405 lbs
3x10 Pistols (one leg squats)
3x10 Reverse hype extensions with 45 lbs plate super set 
              with 3x10 leg curls @ 25 lbs
4x15 Calf raises @ body weight + 55 lbs 
3x10 circuit of calf raises, leg curls, leg extensions 

5 pm cardio
basketball and boxing on and off for 2 and a half hours.  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to be Successful (Day 2)

Day 2 started out feeling like a setback. I awoke very late in the afternoon, hungover. I didn't get out of bed until 4 pm. I went out with family for dinner expecting to just do what I had to then go home and get back in bed. After I got fully awake and moving, I decide that I better drag myself to the gym. A wise man once said, "Successful people do what they have to, whether they want to or not." So that's exactly what I did. Tonight was a fairly heavy chest workout for me. My shoulder has been giving me problems so I've had to alter my workout a bit, but I got a very satisfying workout in nonetheless. My numbers are on track to win the state title. I'm still under my daily caloric intake by quite a bit though. I'm going to have to force feed myself some to catch up.Today is the type of day many people can learn from.

What's the takeaway? Success about doing what you have to, rather than what you want to. It is about never giving up until the final whistle blows. You can salvage any day. You can transform a wasted day into a very productive day just by changing my mental approach. Consistency is also very important. You'll never be as healthy as you want to be if you follow your diet 4 out of 7 days of the week. You've got to put in 100% every day. Anything less than 100% is wasted potential and you deserve better.

That's all for today. Here was my workout and weights if you're interested.

Warm-up: stretching and light dumbbell bench
5x5 DB bench @ 90 lbs dumbbells
3x10 Pec fly machine @ 145 lbs
3x10 Weighted dips @ 70 lbs
3 sets of a 3 part superset for 10 reps each of: Close grip tricep pushdowns,                             regular grip TPD, reverse grip TPD
3x10 Smith Machine shugs @ 275 lbs

I weighh 148.8 lbs and I'm 5'9"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 1...

Day 1 of anything always seems to be the easiest and the hardest. This is the first day of my blog "Road to State Championship." This will be primarily about my dreams of a state championship ring around my finger as well as the journey preceding it. I hope to inspire and help as many people as possible in any way possible, whether it's related to fitness or not. Here goes nothing!